Fans rejoice as Hwang In-yeop reportedly appear in A Prefabricated Family, remake of hit Chinese dra

On April 19, 2023, the South Korean media outlet iMBC reported that actors Hwang In-yeop and Jung Chae-yeon will appear in the upcoming drama A Prefabricated Family, a Korean remake of the hit Chinese drama Go Ahead. The drama will showcase the lives of three people unrelated by blood who spend their teenage years together.

On April 19, 2023, the South Korean media outlet iMBC reported that actors Hwang In-yeop and Jung Chae-yeon will appear in the upcoming drama A Prefabricated Family, a Korean remake of the hit Chinese drama Go Ahead. The drama will showcase the lives of three people unrelated by blood who spend their teenage years together.

In the drama, as the three siblings grow up, they are faced with many obstacles due to their family issues and find comfort in each other while residing in the same apartment, struggling to solve each other's issues.

As the casting news broke, fans were overwhelmed with happiness and took to social media to welcome their favorite actor, Hwang In-yeop, as the main lead again. One fan tweeted:

"I hope he gets Ling Xiao's character": Fans wish Hwang In-yeop to chronicle the main lead's role in the upcoming drama

Since A Prefabricated Family is a remake of the popular Chinese drama Go Ahead, fans eagerly want Hwang In-yeop to play the leading character Ling Xiao (The main character in Go Ahead). They are elated that they will be watching actors in the slice-of-life and family drama genre.

Overall, they are sure the visuals of the two actors, along with the intriguing and captivating storyline of the Chinese drama, will make the drama a hit. They are pretty sure that Hwang In-yeop will "slay" the upcoming healing drama.

Fans are also speculating who will complete the famous trio siblings of the Chinese drama and who will lead the other male lead character. Take a look at how fans are reacting to the casting news of A Prefabricated Family, a remake of the Chinese drama Go Ahead:

The original Chinese drama Go Ahead aired in 2020 with 46 episodes and was more of a family-oriented drama. Actors including Tan Song-yun, Song Wei-long, Zhang Xin-cheng, Tu Song-yan, and Zhang Xi-lin featured in the show as main leads. Fans loved the original drama, claiming it to be the most endearing drama of 2020.

No other details of the Korean remake, A Prefabricated Family, have been revealed yet. Fans have assumed that Hwang In-yeop and Jung Chae-yeon will possibly be playing the main characters Ling Xiao and Li Jian-jian (played by Chinese actors Song Wei-long and Tan Song-yun).

Fans are eagerly awaiting more details of the highly-anticipated Korean remake and hope the production team will be able to do justice to the original version.

More about Hwang In-yeop

Having made his acting debut in 2018 with the web drama W.H.Y., Hwang In-yeop quickly rose to international fame and success after starring in the high school drama True Beauty by playing the second lead.

He then bagged his lead roles in dramas including Why Her? and The Sound of Magic, where fans loved his performance. Apart from the aforementioned dramas, he has also been featured in 18 Again, Freshman, The Tale of Nokdu, and others.

The rising Korean actor is famous among his international fans, with 16.3 million followers on Instagram alone. He recently visited the Paul Smile Hyundari store's opening ceremony in April and other notable ceremonies.

The filming schedule and release date for A Prefabricated Family is yet to be revealed.

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