How to fix, possible reasons, and more

Nearly two weeks after its launch, Call of Duty Warzone 2 continues to face various troublesome performance issues, including bugs, error codes, and game-breaking exploits. One recurring issue that many in the community are facing right now is the Mildenhall Neck error, which usually occurs when playing the DMZ mode in the shooter. This can

Nearly two weeks after its launch, Call of Duty Warzone 2 continues to face various troublesome performance issues, including bugs, error codes, and game-breaking exploits.

One recurring issue that many in the community are facing right now is the “Mildenhall Neck” error, which usually occurs when playing the DMZ mode in the shooter. This can occur during a match, crashing the game and logging players out, or it can happen while queuing up for a DMZ match.

This annoying error is preventing many fans from enjoying the shooter, and what makes it all the more troublesome to deal with is the fact that it does not have a permanent solution.

Fortunately, there are certain temporary workarounds that players within the Call of Duty community were able to figure out. Today’s guide will go over some of the ways to help you fix the “Mildenhall Neck” error in Warzone 2's DMZ.

Fixing the “Mildenhall Neck” error in Warzone 2's DMZ

Although the “Mildenhall Neck” error in Warzone 2 is occurring in other multiplayer modes as well, it's more frequent in the DMZ mode. This issue usually occurs when there's a connection issue between the game’s servers and the player’s system.

To potentially fix this error in the battle royale, here are a few steps that you can try out:

1) Resetting your internet gateway

The first thing you can do to fix this issue in the game will be to reset your gateway, which you can achieve by restarting your internet router. Quite a few players from the Call of Duty community have mentioned that simply restarting their routers seems to have resolved this particular error and other performance issues in the game.

2) Restarting Warzone 2

The next thing you can do is restart the game from the launcher. You can shut it down when the error message pops up and then re-launch it from the menu of your console or from the or Steam launcher if you are on PC.

Restarting the game might just do the trick, as it has worked for many who have been facing this error code in the game.

3) Check the Warzone 2 servers

It’s likely that the Warzone 2 servers themselves are facing an error and could be temporarily down for maintenance. Maintenance schedules and patches are usually implemented by the developers from time to time.

If server downtime is generating the “Mildenhall Neck” error, then your only option would be to wait for them to come back online.

4) Scan and repair files

Corrupt files in the installation directory could potentially result in the “Mildenhall Neck” error. If that's the case, you will have to launch a “Scan and repair” process on the Steam and clients, which should automatically go through the game's directory and repair/download any file that may have been corrupted.

If none of the above steps work, you are advised to file a complaint ticket to Activision Support, detailing the error that you're facing.

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