How to get diamonds in the Minecraft 1.19 Update

The Wild Update was finally released on June 7, 2022. In this major Minecraft update, Mojang added two biomes, four mobs, and several blocks and items. The previously released Caves & Cliffs update brought huge changes to the game. One of the main features was the complete ore-distribution revamp. Players who failed to stay up

The Wild Update was finally released on June 7, 2022. In this major Minecraft update, Mojang added two biomes, four mobs, and several blocks and items.

The previously released Caves & Cliffs update brought huge changes to the game. One of the main features was the complete ore-distribution revamp. Players who failed to stay up to date with the update news had difficulty finding valuable ores like diamonds in the 1.18 update.

With the new 1.19 update, some players are once again wondering whether there have been any changes in ore generation.

Being one of the most sought-after minerals, many players have come to be worried about diamonds and if the generation of these shiny items has seen any changes. This article discusses the best ways to get diamonds in Minecraft The Wild Update.

Best methods to get diamonds in Minecraft The Wild Update

Fortunately, The Wild Update has not made any changes to the optimal height levels for mining diamonds. Players can use the same strategies they used in version 1.18 to get diamonds in version 1.19. Here are the best ways to get diamonds in the Minecraft 1.19 Update:

1) Strip mining

Believe it or not, the bottom layers of the Overworld are flooded with diamond ores. Unfortunately, these diamond ores are rarely exposed to air, making them much harder to find.

Diamond ores commonly generate around height level Y -59 in version 1.18 and above. Players can use various strategies to uncover the stone blocks underneath the ground and find diamonds very quickly.

Strip mining is a popular mining strategy where a player mines in a straight 2x1 tunnel to expose areas. After going through multiple chunks, players can take a U-turn by giving it a vertical space of two blocks and then creating another tunnel.

Through strip mining, players can expose the maximum area. While doing so, they will find many diamond ore veins. Players are recommended to use a Fortune III pickaxe to get the maximum number of diamonds.

2) Looting structures

There are many unique structures in Minecraft, and luckily, many of them are filled with loot chests that may contain diamonds. Players may find diamonds in the loot chests of the following structures in Minecraft:

  • Mineshaft
  • Bastion remnant
  • Buried treasure
  • Desert temple
  • End city
  • Jungle temple
  • Nether fortress
  • Shipwreck
  • Stronghold
  • Village

Out of these structures, End city is the best place to get diamonds in Minecraft 1.19. All chests in an End city have a 21.2% chance of containing 2-7 diamonds. Considering the large number of chests found in end cities, players will earn some diamonds by raiding an End city.

3) Trading with villagers

If players want diamonds just to craft diamond tools, armor, or weapons, it is better to trade with villagers than to find diamonds. In Minecraft, certain villagers can trade diamond equipment just for emeralds after reaching Journeyman, Expert, and/or Master level.

The following villagers can sell diamond resources in the game:

  • Armorer (helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots)
  • Toolsmith (hoe, axe, sword, pickaxe)
  • Weaponsmith (axe, sword)

Players can get enchanted diamond gear by trading with these villagers. This way, players can also save some of their valuable diamonds.

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