Where is Paul Christos today?

In March 2013, Christos agreed to play a game with Shiela Davalloo. The rules of the game were simple. Paul would be blindfolded and handcuffed to a chair, while his wife would touch him with different objects. The challenge was to guess what the object was.

In March 2013, Christos agreed to play a game with Shiela Davalloo. The rules of the game were simple. Paul would be blindfolded and handcuffed to a chair, while his wife would touch him with different objects. The challenge was to guess what the object was.

Unfortunately, what Paul thought would be a harmless, object-guessing game turned out to be life-threatening for him.

In her final turn, Davalloo stabbed Christos in multiple parts of his body, intending to kill him.

Luck favored him that day. He did not die. In fact, he testified against Davalloo in the court.

Today, he teaches and is involved in the field of research. Christos has moved on with his life after divorcing Shiela and lives in Queens, New York City.

The spine-chilling case will be uncovered in the latest episode of Investigation Discovery titled A Time to Kill.

The episode, which is set to air at 10PM is part of their Love is the Drug series.

The synopsis of the episode reads as follows:

For Connecticut police, unlocking the mystery of Anna Lisa Raymundo's murder hinges on identifying a mysterious 911 caller, but a veteran female detective's homicidal sex-play investigation breaks open the case.

How Paul Christos was attacked

Paul's wife, Shiela Davalloo, was involved in an affair with her co-worker Nelson Sessler. They started dating just a year after Shiela married Christos. However, the two did not know about each other.

When Nelson would visit Shiela, she would come up with stories to keep her marriage a secret from him.

Sheila would tell Paul that her brother, who suffers from Schitzophrenia, would visit him and that her brother did not know that she was married.

To help Shiela hide her marriage from her brother, Christos would clear all traces of him in the house and spend time in a hotel.

The last straw

Shiela could not bear the fact that Nelson would one day move in with Anna. To stop that from happening, Sheila decided to clear every obstacle that stood in her way. The first was Anna and the second was her husband Paul.

In November 2002, Shiela hatched a clever plan to kill Anna. She was successful and was able to save herself from being arrested. But luck did not favour her all the time.

She targeted to remove Paul from her path this time so she plotted to play a game with him. In the game, Paul would be handcuffed and blindfolded while she would touch various objects which he would have to guess.

As their marriage was already failing, Shiela suggested doing something interesting to spike it up.

Instead of touching Paul with an object, Shiela stabbed him multiple times. As Paul was crying for help, Shiela watched him in writher in pain. However, after an hour she decided to take him to the medical emergency but again stabbed him while they were in the parking lot.

Paul was lucky to have come out of the attack alive even though he had to go through an open heart surgery.

Today, Paul is out of the relationship and has started a new life as a researcher and as a teacher.

In this statement in the court, Paul stated, At that point in our marriage, we were more like roommates. We were no longer romantic

Paul and Shiela divorced in 2004.

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