Who are Caitlin Clark's siblings, Blake and Colin Clark?

Caitlin Clark is not the only athlete in her family. The Iowa Hawkeyes star, who has been dominating the womens college basketball scene with her scoring and playmaking abilities, has two brothers who share her passion for sports.

Caitlin Clark is not the only athlete in her family. The Iowa Hawkeyes star, who has been dominating the women’s college basketball scene with her scoring and playmaking abilities, has two brothers who share her passion for sports.

Her older brother Blake was a quarterback at Iowa State. Her younger brother Colin was a standout basketball player at Dowling Catholic, one of Iowa's top high school programs. They both cheered on their sister as she became a star on the court.

Here’s a closer look at Caitlin Clark’s siblings and how they influenced her basketball journey.

Blake Clark: From QB to holder

Blake Clark was a standout quarterback at Dowling Catholic High School, where he led his team to three consecutive state championships. He then joined the Iowa State Cyclones as a walk-on in 2019.

As a quarterback for the Cyclones, Blake Clark barely got any playing time. He only attempted one pass in his freshman year in 2019 before becoming the holder on field goals for the next three seasons. He also converted a two-point play in 2022.

Blake Clark, who majored in engineering, told the Cedar Rapids Gazette in 2021 that he enjoyed his role as a holder and was proud of his sister’s accomplishments.

“We were always involved in sports and at home we were always around sports," Blake said. "We watched sports at night whether we would go to Drake and watch basketball games, or watch cousins play their basketball games, or tournaments, when you’re just around something that much, it’s what you do, too.”

Caitlin Clark said her brother was always there for her and gave her honest feedback on her game.

“He knows the game really, really well,” Caitlin said. “I think that’s always something I can lean on him whenever I have a tough game or things aren’t going my way."

Colin Clark: Following her sister Caitlin Clark's footsteps

Colin Clark is the youngest of the three siblings and also plays basketball. He followed in his sister’s footsteps and attended Dowling Catholic High School, where he played for the varsity team. He finished his high school career at Dowling in February 2023.

Caitlin Clark has been a vocal supporter of her brother’s basketball career on social media. She often retweeted videos and posts about his games on Twitter. In 2022, after her brother received an award, she wrote on Twitter:

“Proud of you kid @Colin_Clark626.”

Growing up in a household where sports were a way of life, Caitlin Clark learned early on what it takes to be a champion. She followed in the footsteps of her brother, Blake. Colin then, in turn, followed in her footstep and is now a basketball player as well. The Clark siblings are a force to be reckoned with on and off the court.

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