Who is Nicole Gomez? Meet Hell's Kitchen 2022 chef with insanely beautiful food photos on Instagram

Hell's Kitchen is set to return on September 29, at 8 pm ET on FOX. Season 21 which is also called the Battle of the Ages, will feature contestants divided into teams based on their age. The Red team will consist of chefs in their 20s and the Blue team will see seasoned chefs in

Hell's Kitchen is set to return on September 29, at 8 pm ET on FOX. Season 21 which is also called the Battle of the Ages, will feature contestants divided into teams based on their age. The Red team will consist of chefs in their 20s and the Blue team will see seasoned chefs in their 40s.

One of the contestants set to compete in the age-based competition is celebrity private chef Nicole Gomez, who has previously worked for Will Smith’s family.

Fox’s press release about the show reads:

"FOX has ordered two additional seasons of the Gordon Ramsay hit culinary competition series HELL’S KITCHEN, renewing the show for its 21st and 22nd seasons. In the long-running series, aspiring chefs are put through an intense culinary academy to prove they have the endurance and skill to compete in the competition each week. But only those who possess the right combination of ingredients will continue until one is named winner."

Hell's Kitchen contestant Nicole Gomez wanted to become a commercial pilot

Blue team’s Nicole Gomez is a celebrity private chef with two decades worth of experience under her belt. She stepped into the industry in 2000, and her resume includes working for Will Smith, Eddie Murphy, and Dan Bilzerian.

In 2021, she appeared on The Conscious Kitchen podcast and spoke about her time in the industry. The chef shed light on how she started her cooking journey and said that she initially wanted to become a commercial pilot and it was her then-boyfriend who helped her find culinary schools.

Her boyfriend used to tell her that she watches too many cooking shows as Nicole was obsessed with Emeril Lagasse and called him a genius.

Nicole interned at the Playboy mansion and saw art being served on a plate. Her internship eventually turned into a year-and-a-half-long contract that helped her realize how excited cooking made her. It also made her “bloodthirsty” for knowledge and she started expanding her horizons as a chef.

Nicole admitted that while she was really thrilled about the idea of flying, she knew the field would not help her channel her creativity the way she wanted to. Whereas as a chef, she could continue to explore technique and creativity.

The Hell's Kitchen contestant recalled her early days in the cooking industry and called it hardcore. In the podcast, she stated that during her initial days, she went through some cut-throat competition. She said, "You have to outcook them and sabotage them. You have to fend for yourself."

Making her place in the big leagues as a female chef was hard. She mentioned that she looked “super young” at the time and felt the need to strip her femininity away. The Hell's Kitchen chef further stated that she had to act like a man to earn respect.

Nicole Gomez has come a long way and often showcases her growth and stunning creations on Instagram. From first witnessing art being served on a plate to serving masterpieces, she’s left a mark in the industry. She is now set to appear in Hell's Kitchen. Her time in different types of kitchens may have helped prepare her for Gordon’s wrath but the experience is sure to be like none other.

Tune in on September 29 at 8 pm ET on Fox and stream Hell's Kitchen episodes on Hulu the day after they premiere.

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